The Bible talked about killing and other things, thou shall not kill, thou shall not take that which belongs to others, thou shall not steal, thou shall not rape or molest.
The Western Powers came to Africa, killed, stole, Raped, Molested, and Enslaved my People. And the same Bible talked about forgiveness and that we should not pay evil for evil.
Is it that the Western Powers didn't read the Bible that they claim it's theirs? And that they brought it to Africa?. Or they have a separate Bible than the one they claimed they brought to Africa?. That says thou shall kill, steal, molest and take what belongs to others and then says forgive all these things done to you by them?, Just so we Africans won't fight back or do to them what they did to us?.
Just like how the Western Powers ignored the words of the Bible and raped, killed, stole and did all manner of atrocities to Africans, that's how I'll equally ignore the part that says " Forgive your Enemies and those who did you wrong, and don't pay evil for evil". I won't pay evil for evil, but definitely I won't forgive them until the African man is free from their mis governance and mis policies and can achieve beyond these created artificial boundaries and will be recognized as a human being anywhere in the world.
This is my Path and Quest. The African Continent Must be United, to use one currency, one passport, a federal government that works in favour of the African man, one defence system and more.
The new Africa (United African Nations -UAN)
~Matthew Dickson